The Sales Life Cycle For A Trucking Agent

Trucking agents typically have the following life cycle when it comes to your customer list. Although we want all our customers to be in the 'Mature' stage, the reality is that you likely have customers in all stages. However, as customers progress through your stages, you need to keep adding the prospects. I suggest reading 3 effective selling techniques

The following is a list of all the stages of the sales life cycle.
  1. Prospect - A lead found from any type of source.
  2. Contact - You have a made a contact name and phone number and had an initial conversation.
  3. Setup - The carrier and customer have approved each other and you are available to provide your service
  4. Quote - You have not received any business, but you have been given the opportunity to quote.
  5. Billed - You have done a load and your ready to keep moving forward with the account.
  6. Mature - An established account that calls you with opportunities.
  7. Fall Out - Things have backed off and you might not no why.
  8. Lost - You are cut off and are no longer providing your service
  9. Reconnect - Your attempt to get your foot back in the door after a long hiatus.


Record your sales call so that you can manage your calls. You should easily be able to recite the who, when, and why of all your sales calls for each of you customer. There are all kinds of management tools ranging in price to assist you in this process, but it's important to have one.


Probably the hardest part of selling. You need to be consistent in making your contacts. It can't always be with 'mature' accounts, but spread over all categories of the life cycle. Again, having a tool to manage this will help greatly.


Because selling is hard it generally pays well. But don't think you have to do it on your own. An excellent compensation package for the right sales person could be well worth it. After all most trucking agents are handling the daily operations which gets in the way of sales. Having someone focused on sales is beneficial.

To summarize, be disciplined on your sales, use a tool that helps manage your sales calls and don't be afraid to hire talented sales people. Your revenue will grow like never before!
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