Work From Home As A Trucking Agent

What exactly is a dispatcher in the trucking industry?

A work from home dispatcher gets to enjoy the comfort of home while working with the great drivers around the country. While our professional drivers traverse this great country from one location to the next, they rely on our dispatchers to find them loads and to communicate with the customers.
Take Me To Trucking Dispatcher Duties

Home Dispatcher Advantages

  • No Commuting To Work.
  • Enjoy Home Amenities.
  • No Expensive Work Attire.
  • More Time With Family
Trucking Agents' uses today's technologies and helps put them to use in our homes. Trucking Agents will help you to grow your home dispatcher career. The office requirements are simple, inexpensive, and most of the time you already have them. Our Trucking Agents training and support will help every home dispatcher to the road to success.

Home Office Requirements

  1. A Desk and Chair
  2. A Computer
  3. High Speed Internet

Tools That Are Provided or Available

  1. Trucking Agents Software to track your loads, trucks, and revenue
  2. Phone Line - Supply your own or use our professional phone system **
  3. Email - Use your own or use our a professional email **
  4. Software - Provided at a low monthly cost **
** Items are available for a cost or you can supply your own.

Can I Really Build My Own Business?

Yes! Like any business, you have to work hard to build it, but your hard work will pay off. Your also not alone. Trucking Agents is here to help you succeed. A work from home dispatcher is not about selling or cold calling. We want you to put your trucking knowledge and personality to good use in working with our truck owners. In that way, you will grow revenue faster and enjoy your career more.

This business is built on relationships and we are committed to helping those professional drivers who work so hard to move product across this great country. If you like to work with professional drivers, talk on the phone and are motivated, then you have the necessary skills to be successful.
New Applicant
An owner operator who is looking for dispatch service. Or a fleet owner who is looking for dispatch service. Anyone who has been directed by Trucking Agents to sign up through 'Create Account'. If any of these are you, click the button below and get started.
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Cenay Nailor
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